Our new granddaughter, Bailey Lynn is finally here! We're going to use this site to share the experience with everyone. For
updates, just check back in to this site. Don't worry, there will be lots of pictures! Feel free to look through the sites
pages, listed at the top of this page, The Baby Shower, At the Hospital,etc. Don't forget to sign our guest book at the bottom
of this page! NOTE: If you have any problems with these pages loading too slowly, due to all the pics, I suggest
clicking on STOP in your tool bar and then click the Refresh button. If you continue to have difficulties, please contact
me. Thanks for your patience.
On this home page, we'll put some of my favorite pictures and give some general information about how the new family is doing.
If we're brave, we might try to describe the unbelievable feeling we had first holding our newest member of the family. We
are looking forward to sharing all of these with all of you, who mean so much to us! UPDATE: March 19th Bailey
is growing like a weed!! She is almost 4 weeks old and is really changing fast. I would say she is almost 9 lbs now.
She has Mommy and Daddy up many nights, as she seems to have her Uncle Michaels late night syndrome. Awww, how I do
remember how tired I was with a child who didn't like to sleep! Mommy has taken what I am classifying as college days. Just
like when she was in college, she wants to come back home to take a nap!! Which is extra fine with me, as I get to babysit!!
April 12th, UPDATE Bailey is growing so very fast. She is now 7 wks old and she is 23" long and weighs almost 11
pds. She is smiling and cooing more all the time. She is starting to really take notice of the things around her, especially
on the ceiling, like ceiling fans. She loves her swing, which gives Mommy a chance to catch up on her housework. She is
sure beautiful!!!
MAY 30th,2001 Well, Grammy has been busy getting Aunt Jessica all graduated, so I haven't updated the site for a
while. Bailey is now 3 months old and weighs about 16 pds. She almost always has a big smile waiting for you.
She can almost turn herself over now and enjoys her thumb and fingers! The leaves and branches on the trees outside
just completely fasinate her. Her connection with the trees doesn't surprise me, as she gets this from her Pappaw
Tommy. You can go see the two of them in action by clicking on the page, Me and Pappaw Tommy.
UPDATE July 5th See the new page BAILEY'S 4 MONTHS OLD