On this page we'll describe the birth of our grandbaby Bailey and mention some of the people who helped make it happen. For
example, we may talk about how many hours Jenny and Cory were in labor (as we are sure Cory will be in almost as much pain),
and how Bailey reacted to her first few moments in the world. February 22, 2001 Thursday Ok, now that Grammy
has her wits about her again, I will try to fill you in on the labor and delivery. Jen had a really hard and painful labor.
On Tuesday afternoon, Jen called me around 4:45pm and told me she had been having really bad back pains and shooting pains
in her belly, since 11 am. She said she was going to lay down for a bit and I told her to call me back. She called back around
6:30 and said that the pains were coming more regularly and that she was going to call the doctor. I called her back, at 6:45,
when I hadn't heard back from her. She said that the doctors son had asked her to call back and I told her to call him now,
as her pains were coming more frequently. She did and he told her to go to the hospital when they the pains were 5 minutes
apart for an hour.We arrived at the hospital by 8:30pm. Well things sure have changed since I had my babies. Jen's
"labor" room was like a hotel room. With a nice huge whirlpool tub in her bathroom, that Jen made good use of in
the middle of the night. By 7am, the doctor came to check on Jen, and her progression was very slow. He broke her water
and told us that if this didn't help speed things along, that he had ordered a IV drip for her to start around 9am and this
is what happened. Her pains were almost constant but she was not dialating. She did accept a pain shot but when it wore
off, around 10:30, she was exhausted and in terrible pain. She decided that she really needed to have an epidural. This
was performed around 11am. This eased her back pains horrendously, and made her much more comfortable. Finally by
12:30pm, Cory finally decided to go get a little lunch in the cafeteria with his Mom. I decided to step out for a little
bit also. Jessica stayed with her big sister, as she had all night and all day. Just after we had stepped out, Jen told Jess
that she felt the urge to push. Jess asked her if she should get the nurse. Jen said no, not yet. Within 10 minutes, she told
her to get the nurse, now. I will say this for my stubborn little granddaughter, she kept us all on pins and needles
for a long time, while she decided when she wanted to be born, but when she makes up her mind, watch out world!! Tom and
I were just heading back in to check on Jen, when the nurse met us at the door, asking where is the Daddy. I said down in
the cafeteria, and she said, well get him....NOW. We no sooner got back up to the room and they were telling Jen to push.
With just two pushes, the nurse said that Bailey had a full head of dark hair and waved me over to see. Then very anxiously,
the nurse told Jen to stop pushing, the doctor wasn't there and she really didn't want to deliver this baby. Nature
was taking it's own course and the doctor walked in just about in time to catch Bailey. He was there only long enough to
say, ok Jen, push and here she was. As I had decided early on, not to watch the actual birth, I was standing behind Cory,
when some little voice told me that if I wanted to see my first grandchild born, it was now or never. The next thing I knew,
something pushed me from behind, at just the right moment, I was next to the doctor seeing my precious Bailey entering this
world. So for all you people who know me so well, the Mom that couldn't even be in the room for her kids shots, YES I WATCHED
THE WHOLE PROCESS and watched Cory cut the cord!!!!!

Daddy changing a diaper.

Here is Bailey when she was just less than an hour old!